Welcome to my home page. Although I've had a couple of web pages for some time, I've been avoiding setting up a home page. Everybody seems to have a home page even if there isn't anything of any interest on it. Hopefully mine will be a little more interesting than most.
I'm a keen user of the Linux operating system. I had people telling me about it as early as 1992, but it wasn't until 1995 that I actually had a play with it. A colleague of mine from work (hi Dub) was already using Linux and he set it up on a hard drive for me. I took the hard drive home, plugged it into my PC, booted up using a floppy and I had Linux! I have since used and installed a number of distributions including Yggdrasil, Slackware and Redhat. In late 1999 I switched to Debian GNU/Linux. In the little spare time I have I like to hack around in Linux. I have a number of projects in the pipeline but the only ones I have released so far are:
From January 1995 till July 2000, I was a Research and Development Engineer for Fairlight ESP (now Fairlight AU ) a company that designs, manufactures and exports professional audio equipment. I did extensive design work on the Fairlight MFX3, MFX3+ and MFX3/48 systems. Most of this involved hardware design but I also wrote some software; mainly for testing and diagnosing problems with the hardware. Most of my hardware designs were based around Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Some of the more interesting ones include a special purpose graphics card, a Linear Time Code (LTC) reader built around a digital Phase Locked Loop (PLL) and hardware for synchronising video and audio. From August 2000, until Novemeber 2003 I worked for Sun Microsystems in their office here in Sydney Australia and in December 2003 I joined Sensory Networks as a developer working on their Linux based network security products.
I spend quite a bit of time reading and contributing to a number of Usenet discussion groups. Anybody who reads these groups would agree that SPAM (Excessive Multiple Posting and/or Excessive Cross Posting) is a problem. In early 1998 a company called Software Forge (makers of a product called LinuxCAD) started a relentless spamming campaign in the Linux newsgroups. I wrote this piece as an attempt to stop them spamming. Unfortunately this didn't stop them but it certainly damaged their reputation.