Sat, 24 Nov 2007

Ocaml Snippet : Sqlite3.

One of the really nice things about using Ocaml on Debian and Ubuntu is the large number of really well packaged third party libraries.

Most of these libraries are also well documented from doc strings extracted from the source code files using ocamldoc. However, the documentation for most ocaml libraries is purely reference documentation and its not always obvious how to use the library simply from reading the reference docs. What's really needed is example code to be read in conjunction with the reference docs.

I'm working on a program where I needed a small, fast easy to administer database. With those requitements, Sqlite is really hard to beat and best of all, someone has already written Ocaml bindings. On Debian or Ubuntu, the Ocaml Sqlite bindings can be installed using:

  sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-ocaml-dev

In order to get a feel for using it and take my first steps into the world of SQL (which I'd had very minimal exposure to before now), I wrote a small program to test out the features provided by the library.

The following stand alone program should be taken as an example of how to access a Sqlite database from Ocaml. Since I am not an SQL expert, the actual SQL usage should be taken with a grain of salt.

  exception E of string

  let create_tables db =
      (* Create two tables in the database. *)
      let tables =
      [    "people", "pkey INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, first TEXT, last TEXT, age INTEGER" ;
          "cars", "pkey INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, make TEXT, model TEXT" ;
      let make_table (name, layout) =
          let stmt = Printf.sprintf "CREATE TABLE %s (%s);" name layout in
          match Sqlite3.exec db stmt with
          |    Sqlite3.Rc.OK -> Printf.printf "Table '%s' created.\n" name
          |    x -> raise (E (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string x))
      List.iter make_table tables

  let insert_data db =
      (* Insert data in both the tables. *)
      let people_data =
      [    "John", "Smith", 23;
          "Helen", "Jones", 29 ;
          "Adam", "Von Schmitt", 32 ;
      let car_data =
      [    "bugatti", "veyron" ;
          "porsche", "911" ;
      let insert_people (first, last, age) =
          (* Use NULL for primary key and Sqlite will generate a unique key. *)
          let stmt = Printf.sprintf "INSERT INTO people values (NULL, '%s', '%s', %d);"
                                     first last age
          match Sqlite3.exec db stmt with
          |    Sqlite3.Rc.OK -> ()
          |    x -> raise (E (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string x))
      let insert_car (make, model) =
          let stmt = Printf.sprintf "INSERT INTO cars values (NULL, '%s', '%s');"
                                     make model
          match Sqlite3.exec db stmt with
          |    Sqlite3.Rc.OK -> ()
          |    x -> raise (E (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string x))
      List.iter insert_people people_data ;
      List.iter insert_car car_data ;
      print_endline "Data inserted."

  let list_tables db =
      (* List the table names of the given database. *)
      let lister row headers =
          Printf.printf "    %s : '%s'\n" headers.(0) row.(0)
      print_endline "Tables :" ;
      let code = Sqlite3.exec_not_null db ~cb:lister
                          "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master;"
      (    match code with
          |    Sqlite3.Rc.OK -> ()
          |    x -> raise (E (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string x))
          ) ;
      print_endline "------------------------------------------------"

  let search_callback db =
      (* Perform a simple search using a callback. *)
      let print_headers = ref true in
      let lister row headers =
          if !print_headers then
          (    Array.iter (fun s -> Printf.printf "  %-12s" s) headers ;
              print_newline () ;
              print_headers := false
              ) ;
          Array.iter (Printf.printf "  %-12s") row ;
          print_newline ()
      print_endline "People under 30 years of age :" ;
      let code = Sqlite3.exec_not_null db ~cb:lister
                                 "SELECT * FROM people WHERE age < 30;"
      match code with
      |    Sqlite3.Rc.OK -> ()
      |    x -> raise (E (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string x))

  let search_iterator db =
      (* Perform a simple search. *)
      let str_of_rc rc =
          match rc with
          |    Sqlite3.Data.NONE -> "none"
          |    Sqlite3.Data.NULL -> "null"
          |    Sqlite3.Data.INT i -> Int64.to_string i
          |    Sqlite3.Data.FLOAT f -> string_of_float f
          |    Sqlite3.Data.TEXT s -> s
          |    Sqlite3.Data.BLOB _ -> "blob"
      let dump_output s =
          Printf.printf "  Row   Col   ColName    Type       Value\n%!"  ;
          let row = ref 0 in
          while Sqlite3.step s = Sqlite3.Rc.ROW do
              for col = 0 to Sqlite3.data_count s - 1 do
                  let type_name = Sqlite3.column_decltype s col in
                  let val_str = str_of_rc (Sqlite3.column s col) in
                  let col_name = Sqlite3.column_name s col in
                  Printf.printf "  %2d  %4d    %-10s %-8s   %s\n%!"
                                 !row col col_name type_name val_str ;
                  done ;
              row := succ !row ;
      print_endline "People over 25 years of age :" ;
      let stmt = Sqlite3.prepare db "SELECT * FROM people WHERE age > 25;" in
      dump_output stmt    ;
      match Sqlite3.finalize stmt with
      |    Sqlite3.Rc.OK -> ()
      |    x -> raise (E (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string x))

  let update db =
      print_endline "Helen Jones has just turned 30, so update table." ;
      print_endline "Should now only be one person under 30." ;
      let stmt = "UPDATE people SET age = 30 WHERE " ^
                      "first = 'Helen' AND last = 'Jones';"
      (    match Sqlite3.exec db stmt with
          |    Sqlite3.Rc.OK -> ()
          |    x -> raise (E (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string x))
          ) ;
      search_callback db

  let delete_from db =
      print_endline "Bugattis are too expensive, so drop that entry." ;
      let stmt = "DELETE FROM cars WHERE make = 'bugatti';" in
      match Sqlite3.exec db stmt with
      |    Sqlite3.Rc.OK -> ()
      |    x -> raise (E (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string x))

  let play_with_database db =
      print_endline "" ;
      create_tables db ;
      print_endline "------------------------------------------------" ;
      list_tables db ;
      insert_data db ;
      print_endline "------------------------------------------------" ;
      search_callback db ;
      print_endline "------------------------------------------------" ;
      search_iterator db ;
      print_endline "------------------------------------------------" ;
      update db ;
      print_endline "------------------------------------------------" ;
      delete_from db ;
      print_endline "------------------------------------------------"

  (* Program main. *)

  let () =
      (* The database is called test.db. Delete it if it already exists. *)
      let db_filename = "test.db" in
      (    try Unix.unlink db_filename
          with _ -> ()
          ) ;

      (* Create a new database. *)
      let db = Sqlite3.db_open db_filename in

      play_with_database db ;

      (* Close database when done. *)
      if Sqlite3.db_close db then print_endline "All done.\n"
      else print_endline "Cannot close database.\n"

The above code can be run as a script using:

  ocaml -I +sqlite3 sqlite3.cma unix.cma

or compiled to a native binary using:

  ocamlopt -I +sqlite3 sqlite3.cmxa unix.cmxa -o sqlite_test

When run, the output should look like this:

  Table 'people' created.
  Table 'cars' created.
  Tables :
      name : 'people'
      name : 'cars'
  Data inserted.
  People under 30 years of age :
    pkey          first         last          age
    1             John          Smith         23
    2             Helen         Jones         29
  People over 25 years of age :
    Row   Col   ColName    Type       Value
     0     0    pkey       INTEGER    2
     0     1    first      TEXT       Helen
     0     2    last       TEXT       Jones
     0     3    age        INTEGER    29
     1     0    pkey       INTEGER    3
     1     1    first      TEXT       Adam
     1     2    last       TEXT       Von Schmitt
     1     3    age        INTEGER    32
  Helen Jones has just turned 30, so update table.
  Should now only be one person under 30.
  People under 30 years of age :
    pkey          first         last          age
    1             John          Smith         23
  Bugattis are too expensive, so drop that entry.
  All done.

Posted at: 14:20 | Category: CodeHacking/Ocaml | Permalink