Wed, 20 Aug 2008

Just Drawing Stuff on the Screen.

Richard Jones laments that drawing stuff on the screen is harder than it should be. I haven't seen his code, but it looks like he might be trying to do it with Ocaml and GTK which probably is more difficult than it should be. GTK isn't really meant for that sort of stuff.

Fortunately, there is a really well designed and thoroughly thought out library for doing graphics called Cairo, which even has a really great set of Ocaml bindings. On Debian/Ubuntu, the Cairo bindings can be installed using:

   sudo apt-get install libcairo-ocaml-dev

I messed about with Ocaml and Cairo about a year ago and came up with this little demo.


  type fourier_series_t =
  {   a0 : float ;
      an : float array ;
      bn : float array ;

  let initial_size = 200

  let two_pi = 8.0 *. atan 1.0

  let sum_float_array ary =
      Array.fold_left (fun x y -> x +. y) 0.0 ary

  let calc_series max_n ary =
      **    This uses a rough numerical approximation to integration.
      **    As long as the array is long enough (say 1000 or more elements), the
      **    results should be reasonable.
      let len = float_of_int (Array.length ary) in
      let calc_Xn trig_func n =
          let n = n + 1 in
          let ary = Array.mapi (
		  		fun i x -> x *.
                trig_func ((float_of_int (n * i)) *. two_pi /. (len -. 1.0))
				) ary
          2.0 *. (sum_float_array ary) /. len
      let a0 = (sum_float_array ary) /. len in
      let an = Array.init max_n (calc_Xn cos) in
      let bn = Array.init max_n (calc_Xn sin) in
      { a0 = a0 ; an = an ; bn = bn }

  let waveform_of_series outlen series =
      **  Given a fourier series, calculate a single cycle waveform of the
      **  specified length.
      let calc_point i =
          let x = two_pi *. (float_of_int i) /. (float_of_int (outlen - 1)) in
          let asum = sum_float_array (Array.mapi (
                    fun i an -> an *. (cos (float_of_int (i + 1) *. x)))
          let bsum = sum_float_array (Array.mapi (
                    fun i bn -> bn *. (sin (float_of_int (i + 1) *. x)))
          series.a0 +. asum +. bsum
      Array.init outlen calc_point

  let fold_over_clipped_sine gain len =
      let point i =
          let x = gain *. sin (two_pi *. (float_of_int i) /. (float_of_int len)) in
          if x > 1.0 then x -. 2.0
          else if x < -1.0 then x +. 2.0
          else x
      Array.init len point

  let redraw w series _ =
      let cr = Cairo_lablgtk.create w#misc#window in
      let { Gtk.width = width ; Gtk.height = height } = w#misc#allocation in cr ;
      (   Cairo.identity_matrix cr ;
          let border = 20.0 in
          Cairo.move_to cr border border ;
          Cairo.line_to cr border (float_of_int height -. border) ;
          Cairo.stroke cr ;

          let wave_width = width - 100 - (int_of_float border) in
          let middle = float_of_int height /. 2.0 in
          let wave_height = 0.7 *. (middle -. border) in

          Cairo.move_to cr border middle ;
          Cairo.line_to cr (border +. float_of_int wave_width) middle ;
          Cairo.stroke cr ;

          Cairo.move_to cr (border +. float_of_int wave_width) border ;
          Cairo.line_to cr (border +. float_of_int wave_width)
                                      (float_of_int height -. border) ;
          Cairo.stroke cr ;

          Cairo.set_source_rgb cr 1.0 0.0 0.0 ;
          let wave_data = waveform_of_series wave_width series in
          Cairo.move_to cr border (float_of_int height /. 2.0) ;
          Array.iteri (fun i x ->
                        Cairo.line_to cr (border +. float i)
						      (middle -. wave_height *. x))
                        wave_data ;
          Cairo.stroke cr ;
          ) ;
      Cairo.restore cr ;

  let () =
      if Array.length Sys.argv != 2 then
      (   Printf.printf "Usage : %s <series length>\n\n" Sys.argv.(0) ;
          exit 0 ;
          ) ;

      let series_len = int_of_string (Sys.argv.(1)) in

      let w = GWindow.window ~title:"Fourier Series Demo" ~width:600 ~height:400 () in
      ignore (w#connect#destroy GMain.quit) ;

      let b = GPack.vbox ~spacing:6 ~border_width:12  ~packing:w#add () in
      let f = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN ~packing:(b#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) () in
      let area = GMisc.drawing_area ~width:initial_size ~height:initial_size
                    ~packing:f#add ()
      let array_len = 1000 in
      let wave = fold_over_clipped_sine 1.2 array_len in
      let series = calc_series series_len wave in

      ignore (area#event#connect#expose (redraw area series)) ;

      w#show () ;
      GMain.main ()

The above code can be compiled using:

    ocamlopt -I +cairo -I +lablgtk2 cairo.cmxa lablgtk.cmxa cairo_lablgtk.cmxa \
	    gtkInit.cmx -o fsdemo

and the output looks like this:

Fourier Series Demo screen shot

So while I agree that the 140 of lines of code here is about 30 times as much as Richard's code from his ZX80 days, I also think the results are at least 30 times as good.

Posted at: 22:29 | Category: CodeHacking/Ocaml | Permalink