Sat, 14 Feb 2009
Security Hyperventilating.
Just today, David Cournapeau and Lev Givon found a bug in all versions of libsamplerate up to and including 0.1.6. The bug causes a segfault and is basically the same as a bug I thought I fixed last year that resulted in the following entry in the ChangeLog:
2008-07-02 Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com> * src/src_sinc.c Fix buffer overrrun bug at extreme low conversion ratios. Thanks to Russell O'Connor for the report.
That bug fix went into version 0.1.4 of libsamplerate which was released on July 2nd, 2008. As a result, I was contacted by computer security firm Secunia Research on July 3rd and asked the following questions:
- What is the maximum impact of this "buffer overrun"?
- Can this be exploited by malicious people to e.g. cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or compromise a vulnerable system?
- Under which circumstance is this exploitable and are there any mitigating factors?
I replied with a reasonably full explanation and stated that while this bug, if triggered, would crash the program, it was not, in my opinion, exploitable. Secunia Research was happy with my explanation and analysis and I thought that was that.
However, in November of 2008 there was a flurry of security advisories which quoted the above ChangeLog entry but got the security implications completely wrong. The curious thing was that no-one, not a single person contacted me or the project mailing list to ask about the severity of the problem.
The earliest of these advisories I can find was dated November 3rd and appeared on the Openwall OSS-Security mailing list. However, by December 2nd, the Gentoo security team was saying:
"A remote attacker could entice a user or automated system to process a specially crafted audio file possibly leading to the execution of arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the application."
I on the other hand, remain convinced that this bug is not exploitable under anything other than purely theoretical circumstances.
Since I have now found another variant of the same bug I decided I should document the problem more fully than last time. The problem occurs deep in a rather complicated piece of code that looks like this:
static void prepare_data (SINC_FILTER *filter, SRC_DATA *data, int half_filter_chan_len) { int len = 0 ; /* Calculation of value of len elided. */ len = MIN (filter->in_count - filter->in_used, len) ; len -= (len % filter->channels) ; memcpy (filter->buffer + filter->b_end, data->data_in + filter->in_used, len * sizeof (float)) ;
The problem is that under conversion ratios near the lower bound of allowed values, the variable len can end up as a small negative value (I saw values in the range [-20, -1]). That small negative number then gets multiplied by 4 (sizeof float) and then passed as the third parameter to memcpy.
However, the third parameter to memcpy is of type size_t which is an unsigned value the same size as sizeof (void*). In the C programming language, when a small signed value is converted to an unsigned value, it gets converted into a very large positive value very near the maximum representable positive unsigned value, ie 4Gig on 32 bit systems or 2 to the power of 64 on 64 bit systems.
Due to the conversion, the memcpy tries to write to a huge chunk of memory (nearly 4 Gig on 32 bit systems, and a hell of a lot more on 64 bit systems). Under a protected memory system (Linux, Windows NT or later and Mac OSX), the only way this bug could possibly exploitable would be if the memcpy returns.
However, since the memcpy is trying to overwrite the vast majority of the CPU's memory space, the chances of the memcpy returning are essentially zero for any sane operating system. Instead, the process containing the call into libsamplerate will attempt to write outside its allocated memory space and will therefore be terminated by the operating system with a segmentation fault.
I have now fixed the function containing the memcpy so that it checks the value of len and returns from the function if it is outside a sane range.
Now I do think that security researchers and security specialists at Linux distributions do a very important and rather thankless job. I also think that in this case some of them fell down rather badly. Secunia Research did the right thing and asked me about the implications of the bug. The others, extrapolated incorrectly, from very little information and got it wrong, without ever contacting me. I'm hoping that the ChangeLog entry (below)
2009-02-14 Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com> * src/src_sinc.c Fix a segfault which occurs when memcpy is passed a bad length parameter. This bug has zero security implications beyond the ability to cause a program hitting this bug to exit immediately with a segfault. See : Thanks to David Cournapeau.
will prevent the kind of security hyperventilating I saw last time. The new version of libsamplerate, version 0.1.7, has just been released.
Update : 2009-02-15 11:19
David Cournapeau informs me that Lev Givon, as a user of David's libsamplerate Python bindings, reported this bug to him and that it was actually Lev that found the bug.
Posted at: 22:58 | Category: CodeHacking/SecretRabbitCode | Permalink